I studied for a year and never contributed one red cent.
Life is good. Does that mean that I never really believed all that crap in the first place.....hmmmmmm
what did you do first?.
contributing to the 4/10 of the world worldwide work.
going out in service
I studied for a year and never contributed one red cent.
Life is good. Does that mean that I never really believed all that crap in the first place.....hmmmmmm
i've been studying the bible with a jehovah's witness in my town, and i'm rather enjoying it.. but why do so many people hate the jw's.. i've researched on my own and have come to the conclusion that they are right on most accounts including the trinity, blood, nationalism... etc.... and the more arguments i hear against the more i'm drawn into believing what they stand for.. and every argument i've seen in support of the things jw's are against the more i think the jw's are right.. so why are they so bad?
Hi DF,
I was a study, just like you, back in 1998. Just like you, I 'thought' I had done my research and found God's organization. I had somehow convinced myself that i was happy and that I was doing the right thing.
Truth Is, I never looked at anything else beyond WTS literature. I just took their side and believed their quotes and never thought that any sincere religious group such as this could be so Orwellian. When I actually DID look at REAL opposing views (the ones the society DOESN'T present to you) I was outta there within a week. Never looked back. If you get the chance, read some of AlanF's works regarding the WTS. He and many others have written some very powerful pieces exposing the Watchtower. Even now, 3 years later I'm still shocked by some of the things I read.
How do you know I'm telling the truth? You don't. That's why you need to do your own research. In addition to the books by Ray Franz, I suggest going to
. http:\\www.geocities.com/osarsif
and reading through some of the material there. If you do not believe that the society actually wrote what has been attributed to them, many here have the source material and could make it available to you.
Good luck and Happy hunting,
its been a while since i read stephen r. covey's _the 7 habits of highly effective people_ and i do not feel like looking up the section i am getting ready to mention.
but i think i recall covey talking about the unhealthy habit of becoming overly engrossed in one activity or pursuit.. it seems that there are individuals using this medium of communication whose life's aim is to "help" jws out of the "borg" or 'bring down the tower.
if it tricks your trigger, i guess there is nothing anyone can do to prevent you from "helping" jws out of the "borg.
to quote Mr. Dunsscot (to AlanF)
Glad to see you admit your "noble" goals in life, AF. I personally think you are wasting your time (spinning your wheels) and sticking your nose where it does not belong.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Alan for wasting his time and spinning his wheels. Without some of his writings I'd be a JW right now. (Big smile)
i am going to let j. r. brown look this one up for himself,.
from day one of this issue being raised the watchtower has maintained there is no problem with child molesters being shielded within the community of jehovahs witnesses.
the questions that beg to be answered are: .
That was one of the most despicable things I have ever read. What disturbed me most were Sisti's closing arguments. I can only imagine a snakey slimy defence attorney when I think of him....
I sincerely hope that those who spoke up for the defendant listen to the judge and open their eyes to reality.
So Sad. I pray for the victims of this and any other case or situation like this.
P.S. - I added this quote from one of the audience JW's in my edit:
Well, Jehovah is the God of truth, and even in this --this very troublesome circumstance, Paul Berry is still wor-- still worshipping the God of truth; yet his wife and children are not. That says something extraordinary to me, to my heart and to my mind. I am thoroughly convinced that Paul is innocent. He's my friend. I don't --I-'m not nervous with him around my children at all--I never was and I never will be. Same thing with all of Jehovah's witnesses: we all worship the God of truth. And we would not be here to promote a lie in any way. We would not be here to cover over a lie that Paul would be hiding.
i thought you might like to see a fax i just sent to j. r. brown.
you can also pick it up on the front page of the website, you may also read and download the complaint that states the basis of this lawsuit.
run wt run...... silentlambs.
EXCELLENT work, everybody. I look forward to further news on this.
"in contrast with humans, who have a limited life span, jehovah never feels pressured by time to reveal his secrets prematurely.
this fact should prevent us from becoming impatient when certain bible questions cannot presently be explained to our satisfaction.
"modesty on the part of the faithful and discreet slave class, commissioned to provide the christian household with food at the proper time, prevents it from presumptuously running ahead and wildly speculating about things that are still unclear.
I found this on page two again.
Tut, tut. Now I have to bump it again.
"in contrast with humans, who have a limited life span, jehovah never feels pressured by time to reveal his secrets prematurely.
this fact should prevent us from becoming impatient when certain bible questions cannot presently be explained to our satisfaction.
"modesty on the part of the faithful and discreet slave class, commissioned to provide the christian household with food at the proper time, prevents it from presumptuously running ahead and wildly speculating about things that are still unclear.
I cannot let this thread sit anywhere but the first page. In my opinion, it is a "Page One Lifer."
I must say that Maximus, TD, Hawk, et al have done their homework.
Kickin' ass and takin' names.
More spiritual malpractice from the medical offices of Dr. Governingbody.
poor wt after spending all that money on the pedophile's defense.
man convicted of sexual assault without church testimony.
associated press newswires .
Here's a problem: In another thread I speak of GB contention of God as Revealer of secrets in his own good time, and the FDS not running ahead, waiting on Jehovah, and so on, for his due time.How come God has apparently enlightened Christendom on so many issues BEFORE the Society comes around to accepting them?
That is an excellent point that I have not yet seen made on this board (maybe it has been I dunno).
A question I (and I know many others) wonder is exactly what is going throught the minds of the WT leaders right now. Do they feel an assault on their fortress? Do they honestly believe that they'll be able to continue their ways? Do they even have any idea what is being taught to the congregations?? I would LOVE to spend a day as a fly on the wall at HQ.
So many questions......
hi dunsscot:.
you said: "... the contentions of silentlambs seem like much "sound and fury" that in truth signify nothing.".
child molestation is something serious.
Hi Amazing,
I'm bumping this up because dunsscot said in the original thread that he missed it.
My thoughts are that I don't see a lynch mob forming on this board, we are just "zealously pursuing our Kingdom interests."
I hope things are moving along nicely for you. I'll email you within a couple of days.
P.S. - I finally got my picture up hehe.
since the days of da judge, dub leaders have scorned education and science.
to, victims, predators, moral degenerate, selfish, liar, anarchist, pawn of satan, materialistic, drug addicted, fetus-killing, promiscuous slut we can now add homosexual, marriage wrecker, juvenile and adult delinquent with venereal disease.. see what getting a genuine education or reading works by those who have one can do to you?
to victims, predators, moral degenerate, selfish, liar, anarchist, pawn of satan, materialistic, drug addicted, fetus-killing, promiscuous slut, homosexual, marriage wrecker, juvenile and adult delinquent with venereal disease, worship of the wild beast, we add spiritist, atheist, and communist.. *** w55 1/1 8 part 1: early voices (1870-1878) ***.
Great stuff. Here's one part of your manifesto that I found particularly jarring:
There is so much to read and so much to study, there are so many meetings for which to prepare and to attend, that we have no time or energy for valueless things.
Stuff like that makes me sick. The Borg is practically admitting that they're overloading their members with literature, meetings and field service so that they're too busy to act on their "higher critcism" curiosities, let alone even have time to think about them.
Man, the stuff they get away with.....